Symptoms of ADD/ADHD
ADHD/ADD is a developmental problem that affects children and adults. A child with ADD/ADHD can have difficulty in school. They may have a hard time paying attention or get in trouble for being impulsive or hyper. They may have social difficulties and may have struggles at home. Left untreated, ADHD/ADD can cause a child to have low self-esteem. It may lead to multitude of problems such as depression, anxiety, and strained relationships with parents. Forty percent of children with ADHD/ADD are also classified as oppositional. ADHD/ADD leaves children at risk for acting out as adolescents and possibly substance abuse and other risky behavior. These difficulties can all be improved through treatment for ADD/ADHD.
The first step in working with children is providing a good assessment. Unfortunately, ADHD/ADD can be over diagnosed by untrained professionals or can be even be entirely missed by professionals who do not understand ADHD/ADD and its impact. At the Bay Area Center for ADHD/ADD, we take the time to provide a thorough assessment before making a diagnosis. We are able to provide a more extensive assessment to understand the child's strengths and weaknesses. We will then develop a treatment plan that may include medication, therapy, parent consultation, family therapy, group therapy, and/or educational therapy. Your treatment plan will be developed around your family and its values. We understand that not everyone feels comfortable giving their children medication, so we will work with you and generally lean towards under medicating children rather than overmedicating them. We also provide Parent Child Interaction Therapy, a proven therapy for dealing with children's behavior problems like oppositional defiance, which occurs 40% of the time when children also have ADHD/ADD. We can help your family become happier, help protect your child's sense of self esteem, and help your family succeed.
For an appointment or free phone consultation please call (415) 617-9587 or click the button below.
Providing Trusted, Compassionate, Effective Therapy
Providing Trusted, Compassionate, Effective Therapy
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